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Rules for Diploma "International Civil Aviation Day "
The days of activity of The International HAM aviators club “Fifth Ocean” devoted to the International Civil Aviation Day will carry out in the period from 07.12.2019 till 08.12.2019..In 1996, pursuant to an ICAO initiative and with the assistance of the Canadian Government, the United Nations General Assembly officially recognized 7 December as International Civil Aviation Day in the UN system.
The purpose of International Civil Aviation Day is to help generate and reinforce worldwide awareness of the importance of international civil aviation to the social and economic development of States, and of the unique role of ICAO in helping States to cooperate and realize a truly global rapid transit network at the service of all mankind.
The council of the Fifth Ocean club established memorable diplomas “International Civil Aviation Day“ and “МеждународныйДеньГражданскойАвиации”
To obtain the Diploma “International Civil Aviation Day“   you need to catch 25 points and for diploma “МеждународныйДеньГражданскойАвиации” - 75 points
For QSO with special ICAO call 4Y1A    - 10 points
For QSO with Fifth Ocean member working /AM  - 10 points
For QSO with Fifth Ocean members in honor U4MIR, R2DAV, R5DU, UA1ZZ and RA6F  - 3 points
For QSO with Fifth Ocean members – 1 point
For QSO made on 160M and VHF bands add 1 point more.
Counts QSO’s established from 07.12.2019 till 06.12.2020.
During the days of activity 07 – 08.12 2019 points are doubling.
QSO with one and the same station counts only made on different modes and different bands.
The activators – members of Fifth Ocean club can obtain Diplomas during days of activity in two classes as follows:
1st Class – for established 200 QSO’s
2nd Class – for established 100 QSO’s
You can download electronic version of the Diplomas “International Civil Aviation Day” and “МеждународныйДеньГражданскойАвиации” free of charge from here:  http://aviaham.hamlog.ru/
In addition, the days of activity are a good opportunity to complete and receive rewards from 4Y1A:
Вице-президент клуба #2
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